Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation...
Shaping young and impressionable minds is one of the biggest challenges of today's world. At Bhavan's Amritsar kendra , we have a mission to provide such a learning environment and innumerable opportunities to our students so that they should be empowered in a comprehensive and holistic unit. We aim at the versatility of our students.
We strive to offer a broad curriculum and a range of different scopes for all students to achieve excellence in academics. We value creative and innovative ways through collaborative learning and positive approach to effectively allow them to engage for the future prospects. We coin them in such a manner that when they leave the school, they are ready to meet the demands of the new advanced scenario.
We march ahead to remove all the artificial barriers like caste, creed, language, religious biasness and all kinds of addictions.
Here the practical learning enable our children to leave the school daily with the spirit of empathy which inspires them to be keen in rendering their services to the society. Our emphasis is to create a society of progressive thinking individuals who will contribute to the intellectual development of the global community.
Last not least we strongly believe in making all prosperous, healthy and happy. We want to bring peace all over the world for that we enroute our children to our Indian culture which imparts vedas and scriptures Here at Bhavan's Amritsar Kendra the students are coined into true humans ,which can help them to meet the modern requisites .we are also entrusting to them the good future for next generations Wishing you a safe and healthy life ahead.

Dr Anita Bhalla